Safety is our priority

Every day, we monitor our terminals security through an internationally recognised reference system: the International Sustainability Rating System (ISR9©). This guarantees the safety of our facilities, our teams and the environment. 

Filaire / sécurité

Security Pass to our LNG terminals

Our security film

Discover a dynamic film, common to the three Elengy terminals.

Through this film produced on the Montoir-de-Bretagne and Fos sur Mer LNG terminals, we discover a typical day within our installations, the specific documents for carrying out work safely, the properties of LNG and the risks of LNG terminals;

This film is designed to be presented to all new people arriving at our SEVESO sites, Elengy employees, employees of external  suppliers and service providers, and visitors.

The 6 rules of safety at our terminals

  • Anticipate and reduce risks at source
  • Comply to regulations in force 
  • Implement reactive organisations and systems against eventualities
  • Monitor our facilities and activities in a continuous way 
  • Detect and address any discrepancies in operations 
  • Communicate in a transparent way with our stakeholders

Did you know? We guarantee the health and safety of not only all our employees but our service providers too. The 6 rules in our safety policy help us to identify dangers and manage risks as best as possible for all people working at our sites. 

What is the International Sustainability Rating System (ISRS9©)?

The ISRS9© is an international reference system on safety, created by an independent organisation, DNV (DNV - International services company in quality and risk management). In 1998 we adopted this in order to meet industrial best practice in safety at our terminals and to benefit from the regular, external auditing of our organisation and its performance in this area.

As safety is our number 1 priority, we obtained ISRS9© level 6 at our Montoir-de-Bretagne terminal in 2020. This success shows that our safety performance continues to be at its highest level.

For us safety is an absolute priority. By monitoring the safety of our terminals we are not only protecting our facilities but also the people who work there and the surrounding environment. 4 key dates to be retained:

  • 2009: our Montoir-de-Bretagne site is the first site in France to achieve level 7 of the ISRS6© standards. This level extends its scope beyond health/safety to include matters relating to sustainable development. 
  • 2011: it is the turn of our Fos Tonkin terminal to achieve level 7 of the ISRS6©.
  • 2014: the ISRS8© audit undertaken by the DNV confirms that level 7 for the entire Montoir-de-Bretagne site is to be maintained.
  • 2020: the ISRS9© audit conducted by DNV granted the Montoir-de-Bretagne terminal with the level 6, of the new version 9, applied for the first time in France.
Find out more about ISRS

Focus on prevention!

Along with a risk prevention organisation we have developed the Company Safety Improvement Manual (French: MASE), safety management programmes which are given to all companies that work at our sites. We incite our service providers and partners to adhere to these programmes that guarantee a high level of safety!