Become an Elengy client
An expert in the LNG sector for more than 50 years, Elengy can support you in all your LNG projects. By working with a dedicated and involved team throughout your entire project you can build with us a long-lasting, trust-based relationship.

Our team is at your service
Attentive to market developments, we are constantly innovating so as to:
- Provide you with quality services at an attractive tariff: receiving and unloading LNG carriers, regasification services, intra-day flexibility.
- Transform our terminals into LNG hubs by developing different services: ship loading, transshipment, loading of small-scale LNG carriers and of tanker trucks, etc.
- Accompany the growth of LNG, a solution which contributes to speeding up the energy transition in France and throughout the world, via strategic partnerships or consulting services for LNG projects.
What are our strengths?
As one of our clients, you benefit from flexible and high-performance operations delivered by a sound and committed company working by your side.
- More than 50 years of experience in LNG.
- One of the most competitive offerings in Europe.
- 3 LNG terminals ideally located on the Atlantic coast (Montoir-de-Bretagne) and in the Meditarannean (Fos Cavaou and Fos Tonkin)

Who to contact
The Elengy terminals are open to all companies having an authorisation to supply gas in France in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner.
We transparently support you along every step of the way, according to your needs.
Our sales team are at your disposal to:
- Present Elengy’s offering to you and the conditions in which to gain access our terminals.
- We offer the possibility of signing a framework contract (non-binding)
- Answer your feasibility questions
- Validate your capacity registrations
- Give you access to your private client account (cap@tm)
Why choose us?

Because safety is our n° 1 priority
The safety of people, the safety of our facilities and the environment are central to our business. Safety is our golden rule and our safety policy meets the most stringent standards.
Because we offer a wide range of products and services at the best possible cost
Vessel approval, tanks’ gassing-up, etc. To effectively accompany our basic services, we offer you operational solutions for the operation of your LNG carriers.
Because we are committed
Our values guide us: reduce our environmental footprint, take part in local life through associations, an ethical policy that is applied by all our teams, etc.
Focus on our actions for a more respectful energy

A first in France: LNG transported by rail from the Fos Cavaou LNG terminal
02 April 2021
Elengy has reached a milestone at one of its LNG terminals: for the first time in France, an ISO-container loaded with LNG at Fos Cavaou was transported by rail[...]

MetamorFos: a liquefaction project for household waste biogas coming from the Marseilles Provence metropolis.
25 August 2022
With LNG, an immediately available lever for decarbonisation, Elengy is contributing to the energy transition of energy suppliers and the entire transport sector[...]

Bio-LNG liquefaction test bench at Montoir-de-Bretagne: LIBIOPTIM
25 August 2022
Elengy and ENGIE Lab CRIGEN have designed a new liquid biogas packaging process. This process provides competitive solutions for major clients in commercial terms[...]
A dedicated portal for our clients
All our clients individually receive preferential access to our specific applications Cap@tm accounts for LNG carrier services and/or Truck-It-Easy for tanker truck services as soon as the process to become a client has been completed and finalised.
Inform your drivers, manage your access and keep an eye on the unexpected.
Large scale actors, manage your contracts, facilitate your administrative exchanges.

Contact us
The information collected from this data form is transmitted to the relevant Elengy departments to manage your request.
Find out more about the management of your data and your rights.